
Global options.


Number of digits displayed by status updates. The default number of digits is 7. The number of digits can be changed to, for example, 2, with pyblp.options.digits = 2.




Whether to output status updates. By default, verbosity is turned on. Verbosity can be turned off with pyblp.options.verbose = False.




Whether to include full tracebacks in error messages. By default, full tracebacks are turned off. These can be useful when attempting to find the source of an error message. Tracebacks can be turned on with pyblp.options.verbose_tracebacks = True.




Function used to output status updates. The default function is simply print. The function can be changed, for example, to include an indicator that statuses are from this package, with pyblp.verbose_output = lambda x: print(f"pyblp: {x}").




Whether to call sys.stdout.flush() after outputting a status update. By default, output is not flushed to standard output. To force standard output flushes after every status update, set pyblp.options.flush_output = True. This may be particularly desirable for R users who are calling PyBLP from reticulate, since standard output is typically not automatically flushed to the screen in this environment. If PyBLP is imported as pyblp, this setting can be enabled in R with pyblp$options$flush_output <- TRUE.




The data type used for internal calculations, which is by default numpy.float64. The other recommended option is numpy.longdouble, which is the only extended precision floating point type currently supported by NumPy. Although this data type will be used internally, numpy.float64 will be used when passing arrays to optimization and fixed point routines, which may not support extended precision. The library underlying scipy.linalg, which is used for matrix inversion, may also use numpy.float64.

One instance in which extended precision can be helpful in the BLP problem is when there are a large number of near zero choice probabilities with small integration weights, which, under standard precision are called zeros when in aggregate they are nonzero.

The precision of numpy.longdouble depends on the platform on which NumPy is installed. If the platform in use does not support extended precision, using numpy.longdouble may lead to unreliable results. For example, on Windows, NumPy is usually compiled such that numpy.longdouble often behaves like numpy.float64. Precisions can be compared with numpy.finfo by running numpy.finfo(numpy.float64) and numpy.finfo(numpy.longdouble). For more information, refer to this discussion.

If extended precisions is supported, the data type can be switched with pyblp.options.dtype = numpy.longdouble. On Windows, it is often easier to install Linux in a virtual machine than it is to build NumPy from source with a non-standard compiler.




Perturbation \(\epsilon\) used to numerically approximate derivatives with central finite differences:

(1)\[f'(x) = \frac{f(x + \epsilon / 2) - f(x - \epsilon / 2)}{\epsilon}.\]

By default, this is the square root of the machine epsilon: numpy.sqrt(numpy.finfo(options.dtype).eps). The typical example where this is used is when computing the Hessian, but it may also be used to compute Jacobians required for standard errors when analytic gradients are disabled.




Whether to compute Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverses of matrices with scipy.linalg.pinv() instead of their classic inverses with scipy.linalg.inv(). This is by default True, so pseudo-inverses will be used. Up to small numerical differences, the pseudo-inverse is identical to the classic inverse for invertible matrices. Using the pseudo-inverse by default can help alleviate problems from, for example, near-singular weighting matrices.

To always attempt to compute classic inverses first, set pyblp.options.pseudo_inverses = False. If a classic inverse cannot be computed, an error will be displayed, and a pseudo-inverse may be computed instead.




Tolerance for detecting integration weights that do not sum to one, which is by default 1e-10. In most setups weights should essentially sum to one, but for example with importance sampling they may be slightly different. Warnings can be disabled by setting this to numpy.inf.




Tolerance for detecting singular matrices, which is by default 1 / numpy.finfo(options.dtype).eps. If a matrix has a condition number larger than this tolerance, a warning will be displayed. To disable singularity checks, set pyblp.options.singular_tol = numpy.inf.




Absolute tolerance for detecting collinear columns in each matrix of product characteristics and instruments: \(X_1\), \(X_2\), \(X_3\), \(Z_D\), and \(Z_S\). Micro moments can also be checked; see detect_micro_collinearity.

Each matrix is decomposed into a \(QR\) decomposition and an error is raised for any column whose diagonal element in \(R\) has a magnitude less than collinear_atol + collinear_rtol * sd where sd is the column’s standard deviation.

The default absolute tolerance is 1e-10. To disable collinearity checks, set pyblp.options.collinear_atol = pyblp.options.collinear_rtol = 0.




Relative tolerance for detecting collinear columns, which is by default also 1e-10.




Absolute tolerance for detecting non-positive semidefinite matrices. For example, this check is applied to any custom weighting matrix, \(W\).

Singular value decomposition factorizes the matrix into \(U \Sigma V\) and an error is raised if any element in the original matrix differs in absolute value from \(V' \Sigma V\) by more than psd_atol + psd_rtol * abs where abs is the element’s absolute value.

The default tolerance is 1e-8. To disable positive semidefinite checks, set pyblp.options.psd_atol = pyblp.options.psd_rtol = numpy.inf.




Relative tolerance for detecting non-positive definite matrices, which is by default also 1e-8.




Whether to check if micro values \(v_{pijt}\) (or \(v_{pijkt}\) with second choices) are collinear with one another by computing these values once, stacking them, and using pyblp.options.collinear_atol` and ``pyblp.options.collinear_rtol.

By default, micro values are not checked for collinearity because this procedure can require a large amount of memory. To enable this check, set pyblp.options.detect_micro_collinearity = True. If this uses a large amount of memory, one option is to temporarily reduce the number of markets, observations, or agents to cut down on memory while debugging one’s code to see which micro moments are collinear with one another.




How finely to break up micro moment computation within market. Computation is broken up by groups of agents within market. This can help reduce the amount of memory being used by micro moments when there are a large number of agents and products, and especially when second choice micro moments are being used.

By default, micro moment computation is done in one chunk for each market. To reduce memory usage without changing any estimation results, for example by splitting up computation into 10 chunks, use pyblp.options.micro_computation_chunks = 10.

If a dictionary, this should map market IDs to the number of chunks to use. For example, to only chunk computation in market ID 'big market', use pyblp.options.micro_computation_chunks = {'big_market': 10}.


int or dict


Whether to conserve memory by dropping product data fields that are not needed for market-level computation when initializing a market. By default, these fields are not dropped. Setting pyblp.options.drop_product_fields = True may reduce memory usage, especially if there are many instruments, at the cost of extra time needed to drop these fields.

